
label me

I am really not a label type of person, I'd much rather get something from an indie boutique or buy a really special vintage piece. But I couldn't pass up this Stella McCartney for Gap crochet top and bloomers set for Leni, it was just too sweet!

[photo via Gap]



When i lived on Thompson street in nyc, I was right up the street from a beautiful store called Makie. They have the most special children's pieces. These days everyone is on a budget and the prices are on the higher end, but a lovely & classic gift for a new baby are these bibs, sold at $15.


happy birthday

I've been quite absent lately but with good reason. A month ago today little miss Leni was born. It's been absolutely amazing but with a lack of sleep and her keeping me very busy it's been tricky to juggle work and baby. I'm slowly making my way back so stay tuned for more posts, more often!